At the August 2024 Council Meeting, Council endorsed the western option location and to progress with design for the future Barkly Square Multipurpose Facility.
In March 2024, feedback was invited on the preferred site of a new multipurpose facility at Barkly Square in Kyneton.
Council previously endorsed the development of a multipurpose facility for the Kyneton and District Soccer Club and Kyneton Obedience Dog Club, to replace the existing ageing infrastructure (Obedience Dog Club rooms, old soccer change rooms, social room area and public toilet block).
Several site location options have been considered for the construction of the facility, with Council officers recommending the western side of Barkly Square as the most optimal. Construction remains subject to funding.
Submissions closed on Sunday 31 March 2024.

Western (preferred) option - Barkly Square multipurpose facility
- The existing change room building (east end of the reserve) is retained
- The existing soccer club room (south side of reserve) is demolished
- The existing change rooms & public toilets (south side of the reserve) are demolished
- The existing Obedience Dog Club building (south side of the reserve) is demolished
- A new multipurpose building is constructed on the west side of the reserve, with its location central along the long side (wing) of the playing field
- The scope of the new building is located well away from the Beauchamp Street frontage
- The new development is well away from the existing heritage-listed trees
- Obsolete building stock is demolished and the Beauchamp Street boundary vista becomes more open to views
- The demolition of the existing buildings near the heritage-listed trees (Beauchamp Street frontage) may assist the long-term health of the trees
- The most recent building on site (change rooms at south-east corner of the reserve) is retained, to service the eastern playing field
- The location of the social room is well away from the residential area
- The proposed building area is a greenfield site without the constraints listed for the other option
- The location of the new building is central along the side of the playing field - thus better viewing is obtained
- The building can be designed as one type of architecture without risk of creating different architectural types along the Beauchamp Street frontage
- The area on the Beauchamp Street frontage, where existing buildings are proposed for demolition, can be reclaimed as landscaped open space
- The proposed building location provides an option for car parking off street at the south-west end of the site, as well as disability-compliant access
- There is an option for tiered seating at the north side of the proposed building, if desired. Each playing field has its own set of changing rooms
- This proposal provides the opportunity to align the design with the vision of the existing master plan, mitigate any risks to heritage-listed trees and provide each pitch with close-by change room access
14. The new building is located a distance away from the existing change rooms, however a landscaping solution will allow pedestrian movement between each building

Southern option - Barkly Square multipurpose facility
- The existing change room building (south-east corner of reserve) is retained
- The existing soccer club room (south side of the reserve) is demolished
- The existing change rooms & public toilets (south side of the reserve) are demolished
- The existing Obedience Dog Club building (south side of the reserve) is demolished
- A new multipurpose building is to be constructed over the south side of the reserve (Beauchamp Street frontage - location of the existing soccer club rooms, change rooms and public toilets)
- The scope of new building work is limited
- The location of new building work is over two existing buildings (proposed for demolition)
- Existing services are situated close by
4. The proposed multipurpose building has been located in an area that has a number of constraints and thus the building footprint will be irregular in form - this will equate to a more difficult and costly build
5. The proposed building encroaches into the designated "Tree Protection Zone" of the existing nearby heritage-listed trees
6. The existing nearby heritage-listed trees will need to have branches removed to allow the new building to be constructed
7. The proximity of the new building to the existing trees may cause long-term issues to its structure and services
8. The proximity of the new building to the existing trees may affect the long-term health of the trees
9. The offset distance from the front of the new building to the existing playing field fence line is reduced, due to the existing heritage-listed tree locations
10. The location of the new change rooms is offset from the playing field located on the west side of the reserve
11. The location of the new building increases the extent of building mass fronting Beauchamp Street, due to the limited site area available. The proposed building footprint will be smaller than desired. Some room sizes may be reduced in some areas (e.g. storage) and may need to be created as separate buildings on the reserve
12. The viewing aspect from the new building is from the end of the playing field, rather than the side, therefore a line of sight to the far end of the field is limited
13. The prominent corner of the reserve becomes more developed and this may be a concern for existing residents of the area
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