Feedback on the Draft Kyneton Urban Design Framework has now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback - we will be considering all feedback received, responding to and updating the Draft Framework where appropriate, and seeking endorsement at a future Council Meeting.


Council has prepared a draft Kyneton Urban Design Framework (UDF). The UDF will provide urban design direction for Kyneton’s streetscapes, public open spaces and buildings, in and around the three main commercial streets: Mollison Street, Piper Street and High Street.

The draft UDF is designed to:

  • make it easier and safer for people to move around in the town centre, particularly for pedestrians
  • improve the appearance and amenity of public spaces through things like seating, lighting and tree planting
  • provide guidelines for new buildings and streetscapes so that new proposals reflect the cultural, heritage and aesthetic values of Kyneton.

The draft Kyneton UDF is a separate - but complementary - document to the Kyneton Movement Network Plan, recently endorsed at the June 2024 Council Meeting.

On this consultation page, you will find:

  • a copy of the draft Kyneton UDF, available to download and review
  • an interactive map, highlighting the study area and some of the key features proposed
  • project background and consultation information
  • FAQs
  • an online survey, to provide feedback.

Consultation on the draft Kyneton UDF is open from Monday 8 July to Sunday 4 August 2024.

A UDF was prepared for Kyneton in 2008. This UDF was not adopted by Council, but formed part of the background to the 2013 Kyneton Structure Plan. The improvements set out in the 2008 UDF were not implemented.

With Kyneton designated as a Regional Centre in state and local planning policy, it is important that the town centre is safe and functional for residents and visitors, while ensuring that we preserve and enhance its valued character.

Formal adoption of the plan by Council will be sought so that recognition is given to priority projects, and to support any future planning scheme amendments.

You can find out more about the history of this project on Council's website.

Projects to improve pedestrian safety and accessibility:

  • New pedestrian crossings on side streets and across main roads give pedestrians greater priority, make people easier to see and provide a continuous path of travel with fewer level changes.
  • Reduced speed limits for vehicles.
  • Improved pedestrian access through major car parks.

New features to improve the appearance and amenity of streets:

  • Landscaping to introduce greenery to streetscapes.
  • New street trees to provide shade, cooling and aesthetic value.
  • Expanded footpath areas (kerb outstands) to provide places for people to sit, rest and interact.
  • Consistent seating, fixtures, and paving.

Upgrades to make it easier to get around:

  • Maintain parking availability and improve parking areas.
  • Introduce wayfinding signage to important destinations.
  • Improved cycling infrastructure.
  • More easily access businesses on both sides of main streets.

Improve the design of new buildings:

  • Guidelines for the design of new buildings including heights, setbacks, appearance and activation.
  • Provide guidance on appropriate signage placement.
  • Support affordable housing at upper level/s of buildings in the study area.

Provide your feedback in writing: Fill in the survey below to provide your feedback on the draft Kyneton UDF.

Attend a walking tour: Attend a ‘walkshop’ walking tour of the town centre to talk about some of the key issues and projects with Council officers:

  • Saturday 20 July: 10-11am
  • Thursday 25 July: 1-2pm
  • Places are limited and registrations are essential - please email or call 5422 0333. Please provide a contact number and email, so we can get in touch with you in case of cancellation due to bad weather.

    Visit Council offices: Visit Council's Kyneton Administration Centre during the following hours to have a chat to the project officer:

    • Thursday 11 July: 9am-5pm
    • Wednesday 17 July: 9am-5pm
    • Monday 22 July: 9:30am-1:30pm
    • Tuesday 23 July: 9am-5pm
    • Monday 29 July: 9:30am-1:30pm
    • Tuesday 30 July: 9am-5pm
    • Thursday 1 August: 9am-5pm

    Privacy collection notice

    Macedon Ranges Shire Council is committed to protecting your privacy. The personal information you provide through this consultation is being collected for the primary purpose of attribution alongside your feedback for record-keeping or validation purposes (where we may require proof of residency for example, to ensure the validity of localised feedback) and to enable two-way communication where appropriate, to keep you updated in relation to this consultation.

    Where required, the personal information being collected will be provided to Macedon Ranges Shire Council staff or contractors, to help inform feedback and enable them to communicate with you in relation to the consultation where appropriate. If the personal information is not collected, we will not be able to contact you in relation to your feedback and may not be able to consider your feedback if localised feedback is required. Personal information is required to be de-identified in any public summary of feedback.

    Your personal information will not be disclosed to any external party without your consent, unless required or authorised by law. If you wish to gain access to, or alter any personal information you have supplied through this consultation, please contact Macedon Ranges Shire Council via phone (03) 5422 0333 or email Information provided will be stored in accordance with Council’s Record Management Policy and destroyed in accordance with the Public Records Act 1973.

    You can access our Privacy Policy on Council's website, and it is available for inspection at Council’s customer service centres.