
The Lancefield Park Recreation Reserve, located on Chauncey Street, is the town's primary open space and recreation reserve. it currently hosts a number of formal and informal activities including AFL, cricket, netball, tennis, lawn bowls, equestrian, skate/BMX, smallbore rifle shooting, parkrun, public events and general community use.

Unlike many other open spaces across the shire managed by Council, Lancefield Park is on Crown Land and managed by a volunteer Committee of Management, who report to the Victorian Government's Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA).

While Council has no formal role in the day-to-day management of Lancefield Park, Council works collaboratively with the Committee of Management and provides ongoing support in a number of ways - including through annual maintenance budget contributions and in an advocacy/strategic role - in recognition of the park as an important recreational outlet for the town and the shire more broadly.

The Committee of Management last developed a Master Plan in 2012, with a review now required due to the changing aspirations and priorities of user groups and the broader community.

To assist the Committee of Management in updating the Master Plan, Council has allocated specific Budget funding and has made finalising an updated Plan a priority in 2024-25, as outlined in the Council Plan 2021-2031 (Year Four).

What are we consulting on

Council is seeking feedback on this draft Plan and its content, which aims to:

  • ensure facilities are fit for purpose
  • support the changing needs of user groups and the community, ensuring the park continues to be a quality destination for informal recreational and social use
  • maximise opportunities for multipurpose, flexible and shared-use facilities
  • ensure capacity of existing sporting facilities to accommodate females, particularly change rooms and amenities
  • improve traffic and pedestrian networks
  • reserve the archeological values of the park
  • review current governance and Committee of Management arrangements.

* Key Drivers, as outlined in the Draft Plan.

Both the trotting track (located on adjacent Council-owned land) and outdoor swimming pool (managed by Council) are within the greater precinct of Lancefield Park, however due to different management arrangements, are not included in the scope of this Master Plan review.

Feedback received during this consultation period will be considered by officers and tweaks made to the Plan where appropriate, to finalise and target its endorsement as soon as practical at a future Council Meeting (noting that the upcoming Council Election period may delay this Plan being finalised).

Have your say

Download and view the Draft Plan below, and fill in the brief survey further down this page to provide your feedback before the closing date of Thursday 22 August 2024.

Privacy collection notice

Macedon Ranges Shire Council is committed to protecting your privacy. The personal information you provide through this consultation is being collected for the primary purpose of attribution alongside your feedback for record-keeping or validation purposes (where we may require proof of residency for example, to ensure the validity of localised feedback) and to enable two-way communication where appropriate, to keep you updated in relation to this consultation.

Where required, the personal information being collected will be provided to Macedon Ranges Shire Council staff or contractors, to help inform feedback and enable them to communicate with you in relation to the consultation where appropriate. If the personal information is not collected, we will not be able to contact you in relation to your feedback and may not be able to consider your feedback if localised feedback is required. Personal information is required to be de-identified in any public summary of feedback, such as a summary provided as part of a future Council Meeting report.

Your personal information will not be disclosed to any external party without your consent, unless required or authorised by law. If you wish to gain access to, or alter any personal information you have supplied through this consultation, please contact Macedon Ranges Shire Council via phone (03) 5422 0333 or email Information provided will be stored in accordance with Council’s Record Management Policy and destroyed in accordance with the Public Records Act 1973.

You can access our Privacy Policy on Council's website, and it is available for inspection at Council’s customer service centres.