The draft Heritage Strategy 2024-2034 outlines how we manage, protect, and celebrate the unique heritage of the Macedon Ranges.

Have we captured your heritage values, priorities and issues for Macedon Ranges for the next ten years?

A Heritage Strategy sets Council’s approach to the management of heritage within the shire. It is a key strategic tool for assisting councils to meet their obligations under different pieces of heritage legislation.

A Heritage Strategy identifies the work already done by Council, prioritises work to be done in the future, assists with managing assets appropriately for the community, and celebrates the rich history and heritage of Macedon Ranges.

The first stage of the Heritage Strategy review process was to find out what it is you love about the heritage of the shire.

In 2023 we invited local communities to submit photos and tell us in 25 words or less:

  • What they love and want to keep about the shire’s heritage.
  • What they think needs to change.

The best or most interesting photos and comments were promoted on Council’s media channels during the project, and a selection have been used in the new strategy.

Let us know – have we got it right?

To make a submission, please fill in the form or upload your submission below.