Submissions for this consultation have now closed - thank you to everyone who contributed.

This consultation seeks to enable you to have your voice heard and inform the development of key Council documents such as the Community Vision or Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan.

All information collected through these conversations will be analysed to identify priorities for these communities and build relationships that may translate into further engagement opportunities. This includes informing upcoming deliberative engagement - legislatively required - in 2025.

Feedback closes on Friday 20 December 2024.

Questions? Call Jayde McBurnie, Coordinator Community and Social Planning on (03) 5422 0333 or email

Macedon Ranges Shire Council is committed to protecting your privacy.

The information you provide is being collected for the primary purpose of informing the development of key Council documents such as the Community Vision or the Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan. The information may also be used for associated planning and development of initiatives that may benefit from demographic data or trends.

Where required, the information being collected will be provided to Macedon Ranges Shire Council staff or contractors.

De-identified aggregate data and trends will be presented as part of a deliberative engagement process in 2025 to inform decision making, and may also be used to inform key stages in the development of related projects.

Information provided will be stored in accordance with Council’s Record Management Policy and destroyed in accordance with the Public Records Act 1973.

If you wish to gain access to, or alter any personal information you have supplied through this consultation, please contact Macedon Ranges Shire Council via phone (03) 5422 0333 or email

You can access our Privacy Policy on Council's website, and it is available for inspection at Council’s customer service centres.