Have Your Say

The below pages reflect a number of elements that we will be seeking community feedback on throughout this process.


In 2021, Council (through an independent consultant) facilitated an extensive community consultation process to help inform and develop a number of key documents that drive what we do on behalf of the community. This process included deliberative engagement with an assembly of 28 community members, independently selected to represent the broad demographics of the community.

The documents developed included:

Macedon Ranges Shire Council, like all councils across Victoria, is legislatively required to complete deliberative engagement to review or renew these key documents by 31 October in the year following a general election (in this case, 31 October 2025).

With a new Councillor group elected, this is a timely opportunity to check back in with our key stakeholders including the community, to ensure we are still delivering on appropriate priorities and to refresh these documents where required.

This process

This process is following a similar path to how the original documents above were developed, including:

  • the creation of a representative Community Assembly, who will meet several times in 2025 to provide more intensive deliberative engagement (organised through independent facilitators to remove any conscious or unconscious bias)
  • internal consultation with Councillors and Council staff
  • broader community consultation around these documents at times where appropriate, to support the Community Assembly process and ensure broader representation in feedback.

In addition to the above documents developed through the previous process, this process will also inform the integration of the following two documents into the new Council Plan: